Getting through this season will take more than a smile; it needs a realistic person and tightening the belt. Is it just me or are more and more people you meet everyday – at work, in school, at the supermarket or even a stranger has a ‘colossal bad- day syndrome’ and is trying to pass it on to the next fella like H1N1. Well, not me; I have decided to have a good day, good week and please! Don’t give me your attitude- I got one of my own. Sincerely, they do say life is 10% is what happens to you (every day) and 90% how you react to it. So no matter how hard you try to pull me into your argument, I’ll let it slide; it’s just not worth it!
What? With everything you can grab your hands on suddenly growing out of sight with every passing nanosecond at the rate of every shilling, ten bob and a hundred bob. 3k at the super has overnight shrunk its value to like 500 bob but thanks to Ukwala who have the greatest prices anywhere now. At least with them you can save some few coins for your fare kesho! The rest are just PR hoaxes. By the way, what’s the use of smart points on your smart card if I can’t afford what’s on your shelves (just a rant?)
Don’t get me started with the fuel! Please no! Just when gava decides to ‘regulate’ pump prices, all the oil marketers have a impulsive muscle pull and can’t manage to get the 17 million litres waiting to be collected at refinery. ‘The cartels are at it again’ give me a break, the politicians are the cartels, they are the goons! Ooops! Sorry! I remembered my speech hapo mbele about positive ATT and what not. So mmmmmmmh! Relax! Just when you thought the show was over, the script gets a new twist, the shortage might go on for seven days as the marketers continue to hoard (nyima us) onto fuel in anticipation of price surges. Blistering barnacles! Thundering typhoons (my tantrum is over). So you know what that means; nimehama klub ya mat sasa mimi hutumia Train!
Everything is going up; water, food, fuel just about everything except people’s tempers, they are getting short by the minute coz of the economic turn of things. Don’t despair, there’s one more – it will soon cost you more to die! That’s according to the mortuary guys who intend on reviewing their rates upwards. (come to think of it no one reviews their rates downwards).
And for those of you asking about jana’s traffic snurl up at westy, it was coz people were looking for mafuta everywhere but they created one big packing lot instead. Its better walking nowadays, saves you money and keeps you fit. Enough with the rhetoric; here now are Tips on reducing cost of living courtesy of SMS3707
#1: do your fresh produce shopping at bulk markets such as Githurai, marikiti, korogocho and you won’t believe how much you have been paying. Do your households shopping at Ukwala, you won’t believe what a k can get you.
#2: Replace beer with laughter so as to have temporal relief coz of those pending life stresses, its free and has no hang-over.
#3: Have your lunch delivered to your office. For as little or as much as 60 bob (depending on your pocket size) you could have mukimo and vegez with kachumbari. Saves you the sitting and service cost you pay at your favorite restaurant. If you can find lunch worth less than 200 bob anywhere just say I! And al be there in a jiffy and buy you a plate while at it!
#4: Be realistic, those evenings out could be replaced by a Saturday picnic at the arboretum with packed lunch. All you got to pay for is the fare! Now that’s affordable (trying hard to avoid the C.H.E.A.P word – has a lot of negative connotations especially if you are trying hard to win a sister in these tough economic times).
#5: Use sms3707 to get the latest events in town to toa stress kidogo; it’s very affordable (pun intended). Okey its cheap just 5/=. Five bob tu!
Have a great day, and OUTLAST these trying times!
PS: Av just had my 60 bob lunch and at exactly 5.30pm al be at the train station for my ride at only 35 bob! Now that’s CHEAP!
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