I’m waiting………still waiting……
They did say these guys will be coming from 4pm…..well, i guess this is still Kenya (African timers) and to give them credit, they are coming from the dreaded Thika road where the language is traffic, traffic,traffic.
The nail-biting game of waiting is wearing on the faces of envious onlookers which is constantly punctuated by odd questions: wako wapi? (where are they?); wanakam? (are they coming?)
Exactly 5:03pm and the four step onto the stage to the vicious roars from the ever over zealous crowd at San Valencia restaurant; ground floor- Anniversary towers. Yep! you know it….its the quartet on probation this week. They are Amelina, steve, Juve and Gabiro.
From the crowds reaction, you can tell steve is very popular with the ladies when they are introduced (ha! ha! everyone knows them) one by one to the now swelling crowd. By the way, the whole kenyan trio of Steve, Juve and Amelina are on probation this week plus Gabiro (from Rwanda). We are guessing steve is going nowhere- at least not this week.
Apparently, don’t quote me, Amelina is not quite, according to the ‘groupies’ here and when each contestant does the intro jig…. the chants and roars become louder and louder…
They must sing.Of course.One by one they belt out the tunes that put them on probation this week to the elated crowd who can’t seem to get enough.
Safe to say they didn’t have much time coz the each did a chorus from their songs and started the meet and greet thing…..soliciting for votes to save them……My number is Tusker blah blah…..
And before you know it….They were off to the Academy to fine-tune their voices for Saturday….where one person has to go home. Who do bet it is.
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